
Our calculators can help you project future values and work out the amount, timescale and return required to hit a target sum in future.

How much might it be worth?

Find out how much initial and/or monthly savings might be worth in future.

Initial sum £
Monthly saving £
Period (years)
Annual return %
Annual inflation %

The projected value assumes a fixed annual growth, which will vary in practice.

How much do I need to save?

Find out how much you might need to save to hit a future target sum.

Target sum £
Existing savings £
Period (years)
Annual return %
Annual inflation %

The projected values assume a fixed annual growth, which will vary in practice.

How long do I need to save?

Find out how long you might need to save to hit a future target sum.

Target sum £
Initial sum £
Monthly Saving £
Annual return %
Annual inflation %

The projected value assumes a fixed annual growth, which will vary in practice.

What rate of return do I need?

Find out the annual investment return you'll need to hit a future target sum.

Target sum £
Initial sum £
Monthly Saving £
Period (years)
Annual inflation %

The projected values assume a fixed annual growth, which will vary in practice.